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Cover Crop Blends

Cover crops, also known as green manures, have been essential for soil restoration for centuries. The documentary "Living Soil" highlights the numerous benefits of cover cropping for soil health, sustainability, and farm profitability.

We offer a variety of blends tailored to suit any need, available in small sample bags and bulk options of 25kg, 500kg, and 1000kg.

Supplying throughout VIC, NSW, SA, and QLD, explore the advantages of cover cropping with our premium blends for enhanced soil health and farm productivity.

Cover Crop Seed


Winter Super Blend - Available

Contains: Triticale Wheat, Forage Oats, Cereal Rye, Arrowleaf Clover, Berseem Clover, Forage Radish, Purple Top Turnip, Forage Rape, Field Peas, Hairy Vetch, Linseed, Faba Beans.

Our most common general-purpose blend. Ideally planted in Autumn and Spring – or in winter in some warmer NSW regions.

Rate: Casting at 30 g/m2 or 60kg/ha by a metering seeder.


Legume N Fixer - Available

Contains: Peas, Beans, Vetch, Lentils, Shaftel Clover, Crimson Clover, Arrow leaf Clover, Radish, Balansa Clover.

Primarily used under orchards but has a wide range of uses including intersowing with a cashcrop. Ideally planted in Autumn and Spring – or in winter in some warmer northern regions.

Rate: Casting at 30 g/m2 or 60kg/ha by a metering seeder (or intersowing)


Polinator Blend - Available

Contains: Berseem Clover, Arrowleaf Clover, Blansia Clover, Hairy Vetch, Common Vetch, Safflower, Radish, Peas, Linseed, Phacelia, Oats, Sunflower, Buckwheat, Black Mustard, Yellow Mustard.

The Pollinator Blend is all seasons blend, but mindfull of frost or cold. It comes with the advantage of creating a flower heaven for beneficial insects for a number of weeks. Can be planted to attract beneficial predators and keep pest pressures down. At the same time it has the same function of a green manure - Provides nitrogen, organic residues, improved biological performance and better nutrition to the following crop.

Rate: Casting at 2o-30 g/m2 or 25-40kg/ha by a metering seeder.


Hairy Vetch - Available

Contains: Hairy Vetch only

Used for intercroping between cash crop rows or as green mulch cover. Ideally planted in early autumn and spring – or winter plantings in warmer nothern regions.

Rate: Casting at 2o-30 g/m2 or 15-45kg/ha by a metering seeder.


Biofumigant Blend - Available

Contains: Mustard and Radish

Can be planted outdoors all year round - but mindful of frost. Common planting times would spring, and autumn. Is regulalry planted all year round in greenhouses but best planted in May to grow over winter to prepare the soil for a spring planted crop.

Crop can be incorporated into the ground once it reaches flowering stage for a biofumigant effect. At incorporation residues release a chemical Isothiocyanate - which kills fungal and bacterial pathogens. This cleans the soil of disease allowing for a healthy crop to follow.

Rate: Casting at 10 - 15 g/m2 or 15kg/ha by a metering seeder.


Summer Blend - Available

Contains: Forage sweet sorghum, Forage millet, Cowpeas, Fenugreek, LabLab, Sunflowers, Mustard, Forage rape, Turnip, Buckwheat.

Holds a good ground cover over summer. For example can be planted after harvesting garlic. Ideally planted in spring, however later plantings will succeed if sufficient moisture is present.

Rate: Casting at 30 g/m2 or 60kg/ha by a metering seeder (or intersowing)

Buy in store up to 50kg

Deliver only within VIC, NSW, QLD, and SA

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Due to large variations in delivery costs, please request a quotation for orders over 50kg.

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