Farm Services
Providing soil health and nutrition services for the regenerative farmer

Soil Renovator Program
VSS's soil testing program has been the corner stone service. After years of development, our comprehensive soil testing packages allow for accurate diagnosis of soil and plant nutritional requirements. Analysis is carried out through the accredited services of the Environmental Analysis Laboratory of Southern Cross University. Vitals Soils is an independent adviser; thus, recommendations are made from a database of over 300 products available Australia wide to match your local situation including standard inputs, organic products and biological programs. The renovator program is a unique service due to its focus on building long term fertility, going beyond the standard short-term fertiliser programs.

Cover Crop Design
Cover cropping as a cash crop and green manuring has been a foundational part of VSS's work in restoring production capacity.

Nutritionals Programs for Managing Horticultural Diseases
One of the core passions of VSS is to provide and develop nutritional programs in the horticultural space to reduce disease levels through increased nutrient density. The approach takes into careful consideration physical, nutritional, and biological relations to strengthen the plant immune system. Thus, saving money and time applying crop protectant.

Soil Health and Fertility Building Workshops
VSS has run workshops, training, and farm walks to share the regenerative message and facilitate our growth as a community into better soil management.
Topics include, soil fertility building, nutrition management and getting the most out of green manures.

Tailored Market Garden Services
Market gardens have been a major part of VSS from the start. For this reason we have developed numours specialised services to address their specific needs.

Nutritional Trials with mini Fert-Blending Service
VSS is not a fertilisers provider to comercial operation and operates as an independent advisory service. However, our micro blending service for gardeners also has a commercial use. We can easily make numerus ‘micro blends’ for farm nutritional trials to assist nutritional decision making.