Due to overload, we will no longer be onboarding new clients for agronomy services until further notice, except for some market garden operations.

Gardener's Nutri-Dense Program

Most soils are nutritionally imbalanced and cannot support healthy plant growth. Vital Soils offers soil testing services to identify nutritional deficiencies and provide a customised fertiliser correction plan.

Plants require 15 essential nutrients from the soil and it takes only one of these to be out of supply or imbalanced to cause poor growth and disease. In an attempt to improve things gardeners usually guess what fertilisers they need which virtually never provides ideal nutrition. Plants never reach their growth potential or full nutrient density resulting in continual slow growth, disease, and pest problems.

We all want consistent, healthy, and an abundant yield of fruits and vegetables. To achieve this, we need nutritionally balanced soils which produce nutrient dense crops. Soil testing allows us to measure nutrient levels accurately and make a customised correction plan. Vital Soils offers soil testing packages with all essential nutrients and a further 15 to over 100 soil parameters including nutrients relating to human health. Soil nutrition reports provide fertiliser application rates and convenient strategies to repair any deficiencies.

The purpose of this service is to give you a successful gardening experience.

"Bringing science into the garden to get reliable and consistent results"

Nutrition Program in 4 steps:

1. Collecting a Soil sample

Soil testing is the first step in discovering nutritional deficiencies. Soil testing packages can be purchased directly form the store however by having an initial consult of 30 minutes, we can discuss the situation, problems, and desired target to help you get where you want to go more swiftly. Consults at ($70/hour) - just like a personal trainer but for soils and gardening.

For more details (you may require more than one test for different areas):

How to Collect a Soil Sample


Soil testing Packages


Budget Test:

A simplified test that's budget friendly. It's a good start when focusing on fixing soil pH and NPKs. However it does not measure trace elements which are important for good plant growth.

Includes pH and EC (1:5 water); Exchangeable Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium; Cation Exchange Capacity; Bray I Phosphorus; Total Carbon (TC), Total Nitrogen (TN), Organic Matter.










Standard Test:

A comprehensive test that includes all critical parameters for good plant growth.

Includes pH and EC (1:5 water); Available Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Ammonium, Nitrate, Phosphate, Sulfur; Exchangeable Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Hydrogen, Aluminum, Cation Exchange Capacity; Bray I and II Phosphorus; Colwell Phosphorus; Available Trace Nutrients Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron, Silicon; Total Carbon (TC), Total Nitrogen (TN), Organic Matter.








Standard Test + Cobalt, Molybdenum, Selenium

Added benefit of extra nutrients relating to human health.

Includes pH and EC (1:5 water); Available Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Ammonium, Nitrate, Phosphate, Sulfur; Exchangeable Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Hydrogen, Aluminum, Cation Exchange Capacity; Bray I and II Phosphorus; Colwell Phosphorus; Available Trace Nutrients Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron, Silicon, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Selenium; Total Carbon (TC), Total Nitrogen (TN), Organic Matter.







Standard Test + Total Analysis:

In addition to the Standard Test, total analysis measures the soil's nutrient reserves that can be made available through healthy biological activity.

Includes pH and EC (1:5 water); Available Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Ammonium, Nitrate, Phosphate, Sulfur; Exchangeable Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Hydrogen, Aluminum, Cation Exchange Capacity; Bray I and II Phosphorus; Colwell Phosphorus; Available Trace Nutrients Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron, Silicon, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Selenium; Total Carbon (TC), Total Nitrogen (TN), Organic Matter. Total Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Silicon, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Selenium, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron and Aluminium.


2. Soil Fertility Report

Now you have your lab results, but what do they mean? The VSS Nutri-Dense Report explains all your results visually and advises you on what your soil needs with explanatory comments. We provide nutrient targets, with a comprehensive range of fertiliser options including standard inputs and organic based materials. Our advice is based on the work of Dr. William Albrecht whose research established the connection between human health and soil nutrition.

All costs for reporting are included in the soil test packages above.


3. Sourcing Fertilisers

Where can I find fertilisers?  We welcome you to buy your fertilisers locally; however a soil test may indicate that anything from one to twenty inputs are required to correct the situation. Some of these inputs can be very difficult to source for gardeners and very time consuming. For this reason, we have developed a mini blending service to provide anything you might need. All your organic inputs in one blend, simple to apply in one go.

Having access to more products allows us to formulate blends that consider numerous nutritional interactions and include chelating enhancers. Blends contain fertilisers with rapid release for immediate plant needs combined with slow release fertilisers for long lasting effects. In our second consult, we will discuss your soil test results and make a custom blend to match your soil and budget. Blends can be shipped Australia wide.

Fertiliser blends vary in price from $35 to $300 for a 100 meter square garden. Breaking in a new soil will require more inputs compared to an established garden that may only need a few corrections.

Fertiliser Blending Service


4. Follow up

Feedback: We want to ensure you're happy and seeing results! By applying the nutrients that your soil needs, you should see permanent changes in your plant and soil health.

Extra: A good maintenance plan will keep your soil producing nutritious food for years. An additional consult to develop a maintenance strategy will extend your ability to maintain soil nutrition levels for years to come without requiring further soil testing. 

Leave Feedback


“Our tomatoes are growing again, and all the white fly and fungal issues have disappeared!”

Kinglake Gardener

“The best strawberries we have ever had”

Melbourne Restaurant Chef

“Ian knows the science behind making crops grow. I recommend his services to all”

Community Farm Manger in Zimbabwe

“A fast and professional service"

Olive Grower

Next Step:

Or get in touch to see if this service is right for you:

Service Details

Allow approximately three weeks for this service, from collecting a soil sample up until your fertiliser blend is delivered. This program is ideal when establishing orchards, gardens, lawn renovations or dealing with disease and pest problems. We do not provide nutrition programs for native gardens except for large scale plantings.

Services are provided Australia wide.

To read about how this service came about, and the garden where all the inspiration came together:

Background Story

Agronomy Services provided Australia wide

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