Autumn/Spring Green Manure Seed Blend - A sustainable way to provides nitrogen, organic residues, improving biological performance and better nutrition to the following crop.
Contains: Triticale Wheat, Forage Oats, Cereal Rye, Arrowleaf Clover, Berseem Clover, Forage Radish, Purple Top Turnip, Forage Rape, Field Peas, Hairy Vetch, Linseed, Faba Beans.
Planting times - In the context of victoria and areas of similar rain distribution, blend is generally planted in autumn with the first rains, March - April. Or August to September in spring. Northern Australia have a larger flexibilty in planting date with more warmth weather but must unsure rain is expected for the 2-3month growth period.
Termination - Crop can be incorporated into the ground once it reaches flowering stage (2 to 5 months to maturity - Planting over cooler periods, winter, will take longer than during warmer periods such as spring etc).
Seeding Rate - In a market garden context target sowing rate of 30g/m2 (1kg covers about 50 to 100 m2). Or when sown in pasture at 50 to 60 kg/ha.
Delivery - This seed mix is provided through out Vic, SA, QLD, NSW only.
Freight included in price. If you have a very rural area with poor courier acces we advise using 20kg packaging which comes with AusPost. Or 25kg for courier services. On occasion we may need to contact you regarding delivery of 25kg bags as freight costs can vary strongly. For larger orders and pick up - please get in touch.