100m Insect Netting Roll100m role by 2.8m wide more info $220.00Qty:x1 in cart Add to Cart Checkout tilda-bin out of stockLoading product...Sorry, we've only got 1 in stock!Description
30cm x 30cm Fruit Protection Bags Fruit Fly Exclusion Net Storage MeshFruit Protections and Storage bags more infochoose options 50 Pack - $34.00 200 Pack - $100.00 500 Pack - $225.00 $0.00Qty:x1 in cart Add to Cart Checkout tilda-bin out of stockLoading product...Sorry, we've only got 1 in stock!Description
Tying TwineRange of Twine Products more infochoose options Biodegradable Twine (220m) - $8.00 Biodegradable Twine (220m x 8) - $32.00 Plastic Twine (220m) - $10.00 Plastic Twine (220m x 8) - $42.00 Bailing Twine (5.7kg Roles) - $60.00 $0.00Qty:x1 in cart Add to Cart Checkout tilda-bin out of stockLoading product...Sorry, we've only got 1 in stock!Description